Recreate Visualization in Matplotlib


Arif Qodari


August 23, 2021

Last week I watched an interesting video about recreating a D3.js chart using R ggplot. This is the original chart made using D3.js and this is the recreated chart using ggplot.

In this post, I’ll go through step by step to recreate the same chart, but using Matplotlib.


Preparing libraries and utility functions.

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import requests
import sys

from pprint import pprint

pd.options.display.max_rows = 15
# some utility functions

class Head(object):
    def __init__(self, lines, fd=sys.stdout):
        self.lines = lines
        self.fd = fd
    def write(self, msg):
        if self.lines <= 0:
        n = msg.count("\n")
        if n < self.lines:
            self.lines -= n
            return self.fd.write(msg)
        ix = 0
        while(self.lines > 0):
            iy = msg.find('\n', ix + 1)
            self.lines -= 1
            ix = iy
        return self.fd.write(msg[:ix])
def pprint_head(to_print, length=10):
    Print first few lines of the text
    pprint(to_print, stream=Head(length))
def glimpse(df, rows=10, info=False):
    Display the first few rows (n) of the given dataframe
    If info=True, then display the result of instead
    if info:
    return df


Download the Raw Data

The raw data is in json format and can be downloaded from here.

data_url = ""
data_json = requests.get(data_url).json()
pprint_head(data_json, 10)  # only print first 10 lines
{'networkLines': [{'line': [{'value': 26, 'year': '2013'},
                            {'value': 26, 'year': '2014'},
                            {'value': 24, 'year': '2015'},
                            {'value': 24, 'year': '2016'},
                            {'value': 13, 'year': '2017'}],
                   'max': 26,
                   'network': 'AMC',
                   'total': 113},
                  {'line': [{'value': 32, 'year': '2013'},
                            {'value': 24, 'year': '2014'},

Convert json into DataFrame

Once we get the json data, we will convert the data into a dataframe. To do that, we use json_normalize function in pandas that will normalize a json (or dict) into a flat dataframe. At the end of the pipeline, we specify data type for each column to make sure that they have the correct data type.


Use .pipe(glimpse, info=True) to see data types for each column without leaving the current pipeline

df = (
    # convert json into tabular
    # ref:
    pd.json_normalize(data_json["networkLines"], "line", ["network", "total", "max"])
    # .pipe(glimpse, info=True)
    # specify data type for numeric variables
    .astype({"year": "int", "value": "int", "total": "int", "max": "int"})
year value network total max
0 2013 26 AMC 113 26
1 2014 26 AMC 113 26
2 2015 24 AMC 113 26
3 2016 24 AMC 113 26
4 2017 13 AMC 113 26
... ... ... ... ... ...
54 2015 12 Amazon 44 16
55 2016 16 Amazon 44 16
56 2017 16 Amazon 44 16
57 2016 2 Hulu 20 18
58 2017 18 Hulu 20 18

59 rows × 5 columns

Pivot the Data into Wide Format

As we can see above, the dataframe is in long format. That means, each row represents one observation and each column only represent 1 variable or metric.

For the next following steps, i.e. visualization, we need to pivot the dataframe into a wide format. After pivoted, each row in the dataframe represents a single year and each column represents values for one network.

yearly_df = (
    .pivot(index="year", columns="network", values="value")
    # remove column index name
    .rename_axis(None, axis=1)
ABC AMC Amazon CBS FOX FX Networks HBO Hulu NBC Nat Geo Netflix PBS Showtime
2013 45.0 26.0 NaN 54.0 20.0 26.0 109.0 NaN 53.0 NaN 14.0 25.0 32.0
2014 37.0 26.0 NaN 47.0 21.0 45.0 99.0 NaN 47.0 4.0 31.0 34.0 24.0
2015 42.0 24.0 12.0 41.0 36.0 39.0 126.0 NaN 43.0 4.0 34.0 30.0 18.0
2016 35.0 24.0 16.0 35.0 30.0 57.0 94.0 2.0 41.0 10.0 54.0 26.0 22.0
2017 33.0 13.0 16.0 29.0 20.0 55.0 111.0 18.0 64.0 15.0 91.0 11.0 15.0

Those NaN values in the dataframe above mean missing values.


Basic Line Plot

First thing first, we will plot the basic line plot with year as the x-axis and network value as the y-axis. There will be multiple lines and each line represent one network.

It is also useful to get the color map from the orginal chart, so that our chart will have similar color pallette.

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 7))
ax = fig.add_subplot()

# colormap from the original chart
colormap = {
    "HBO": "black",
    "Netflix": "#D32F2F",
    "NBC": "#ffc107",
    "FX Networks": "#0097a7",
    "ABC": "#00BFA5",
    "CBS": "#00BCD4",
    "FOX": "#3f51b5",
    "Showtime": "#C5CAE9",
    "AMC": "#D32F2F",
    "PBS": "#B39DDB",
    "Amazon": "#ffc107",
    "Nat Geo": "#ff9800",
    "Hulu": "#00BFA5"

# iterate over unique networks
for n in
    if n in ("HBO", "Netflix"):
        ax.plot(yearly_df.index, yearly_df[n], color=colormap[n], label=n)
        ax.plot(yearly_df.index, yearly_df[n], color=colormap[n], label=n, linestyle=":")

Figure 1: Basic Line Plot

Note that we use two different line styles for the lines. - Solid line for HBO and Netflix, and - Dashed line for the other networks

Next, we will add the bullet points (scatter plot) on top of the lines

Scatter Plot

We will only apply scatter plot only to Netflix and HBO networks

# scatter point
# only Netflix and HBO that have points
ax.scatter(x=yearly_df.index, y=yearly_df.Netflix, s=600, zorder=3, color=colormap["Netflix"])
ax.scatter(x=yearly_df.index, y=yearly_df.HBO, s=600, zorder=3, color=colormap["HBO"])

# scatter label
for row in yearly_df.itertuples():
    ax.text(row.Index, row.Netflix, int(row.Netflix),
            ha="center", va="center",
            fontweight="normal", fontsize="medium")
    ax.text(row.Index, row.HBO, int(row.HBO),
            ha="center", va="center",
            fontweight="normal", fontsize="medium")

Figure 2: Scatter Plot

It is important to make sure the labels are vertically (va) and horizontally (ha) centered.


Next we are going to add legend text in the right-hand side of the chart. To make sure that we have enough space to display the texts, we will set the x-axis value range from 2011 to 2018 (+1 year as an extra whitespace to be filled in by the text)

# legend
for n in
    if n in ("HBO", "Netflix"):
        ax.text(2017.15, yearly_df.loc[2017, n], n.upper(),
                ha="left", va="center",
                fontweight="bold", fontsize="medium")
        ax.text(2017.05, yearly_df.loc[2017, n], n.upper(),
                ha="left", va="center",
                fontweight="bold", fontsize="medium")
# set x axis range
ax.set_xlim([2011, 2018])

Figure 3: Add Legend

Grid and Axis

Unlike any other standard charts, the chart has vertical grid lines and the x-axis ticks are written in the middle of the lines. We are going to draw those grid lines and axis texts using vlines and text.

# horizontal bottom line
ax.hlines(xmin=yearly_df.index.min(), xmax=yearly_df.index.max(), y=0, color="lightgray", zorder=1)

# vertical lines
ax.vlines(yearly_df.index, ymin=0, ymax=yearly_df.HBO, color="lightgray", zorder=1)

# x-axis ticks
for row in yearly_df.itertuples():
    ax.text(row.Index, 75, row.Index,
            ha="center", va="center",
            backgroundcolor="#fff", color="gray",
            bbox={"pad": 5, "fc": "#fff", "ec": "#fff"})


Figure 4: Grid and Axis


It is quite tricky to write the title since it has rich formatting (i.e. color, bold, and highlight).

# title
ax.text(2011, 100, "Netflix",
        ha="left", va="center",
        fontweight="bold", fontsize=30)

ax.text(2011, 90, "Challenges",
        ha="left", va="center",
        fontweight="light", fontsize=30)

ax.text(2011, 80, "HBO at the",
        ha="left", va="center",
        fontweight="light", fontsize=30)

ax.text(2011, 70, "2017 Emmys",
        ha="left", va="center",
        fontweight="light", fontsize=30)


Figure 5: Title

Final Version

In the final version, we combine all the parts above into a single block code.

# colormap from the original chart
colormap = {
    "HBO": "black",
    "Netflix": "#D32F2F",
    "NBC": "#ffc107",
    "FX Networks": "#0097a7",
    "ABC": "#00BFA5",
    "CBS": "#00BCD4",
    "FOX": "#3f51b5",
    "Showtime": "#C5CAE9",
    "AMC": "#D32F2F",
    "PBS": "#B39DDB",
    "Amazon": "#ffc107",
    "Nat Geo": "#ff9800",
    "Hulu": "#00BFA5"

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 7))
ax = fig.add_subplot()

# horizontal bottom line
ax.hlines(xmin=yearly_df.index.min(), xmax=yearly_df.index.max(), y=0, color="lightgray", zorder=1)

# vertical lines
ax.vlines(yearly_df.index, ymin=0, ymax=yearly_df.HBO, color="lightgray", zorder=1)

# x-axis ticks
for row in yearly_df.itertuples():
    ax.text(row.Index, 75, row.Index,
            ha="center", va="center",
            backgroundcolor="#fff", color="gray",
            bbox={"pad": 5, "fc": "#fff", "ec": "#fff"})

# line plot
for n in
    if n in ("HBO", "Netflix"):
        ax.plot(yearly_df.index, yearly_df[n], color=colormap[n], label=n)
        ax.plot(yearly_df.index, yearly_df[n], color=colormap[n], label=n, linestyle=":")

# scatter point
# only Netflix and HBO that have points
ax.scatter(x=yearly_df.index, y=yearly_df.Netflix, s=600, zorder=3, color=colormap["Netflix"])
ax.scatter(x=yearly_df.index, y=yearly_df.HBO, s=600, zorder=3, color=colormap["HBO"])

# scatter label
for row in yearly_df.itertuples():
    ax.text(row.Index, row.Netflix, int(row.Netflix),
            ha="center", va="center",
            fontweight="normal", fontsize="medium")
    ax.text(row.Index, row.HBO, int(row.HBO),
            ha="center", va="center",
            fontweight="normal", fontsize="medium")

# legend
for n in
    if n in ("HBO", "Netflix"):
        ax.text(2017.15, yearly_df.loc[2017, n], n.upper(),
                ha="left", va="center",
                fontweight="bold", fontsize="medium")
        ax.text(2017.05, yearly_df.loc[2017, n], n.upper(),
                ha="left", va="center",
                fontweight="bold", fontsize="medium")
# title
ax.text(2011, 100, "Netflix",
        ha="left", va="center",
        fontweight="bold", fontsize=30)

ax.text(2011, 90, "Challenges",
        ha="left", va="center",
        fontweight="light", fontsize=30)

ax.text(2011, 80, "HBO at the",
        ha="left", va="center",
        fontweight="light", fontsize=30)

ax.text(2011, 70, "2017 Emmys",
        ha="left", va="center",
        fontweight="light", fontsize=30)

ax.set_xlim([2011, 2018])

Figure 6: Final Version

Missing Parts

If you notice, the parts are reordered (e.g. grid lines are first) to make sure their layering stacks. Elements on the upper layers (displayed later) shouldn’t be occluded by any elements on the bottom layers.

The result above is already pretty much similar with the original visualization. However, we still have some missing / uncovered parts:

  1. Font family

    I use default font family. As consequences, the font look are not the same as in the original chart.

  2. Rich title

    I found that it is not straight forward to write a rich texh format for chart title

  3. Avoid text overlap

    As you might see on the legend texts (right-hand side) that the text are overlapped each other and unreadable. I haven’t found solution for this issue.