Pandas Number Formatting


Arif Qodari


December 13, 2022

In many cases we need to apply different number formatting to different columns. One column might need to use currency format, while the other need to use percent format.

In this case, Pandas has Styler.format feature to do this (ref). We just need to define the formatting function for columns we want to apply on using dictionary where each key represents column name and the value represents formatting function.

Here is the example.

Let’s use this sample data.

df = pd.read_csv("")
date total_sales revenue rate
0 2023-01-01 923 10400500 0.046723
1 2023-01-02 1104 11299050 0.050123
2 2023-01-03 987 10904500 0.040111

Next, we can define and apply the formatting function.

format_mapping = {
    "revenue": "{:,} IDR",
    "rate": "{:,.2%}"
  date total_sales revenue rate
0 2023-01-01 923 10,400,500 IDR 4.67%
1 2023-01-02 1104 11,299,050 IDR 5.01%
2 2023-01-03 987 10,904,500 IDR 4.01%


The script above only apply formatting to certain columns defined in the format_mapping dictionary. Here is the explanation: